A Loving-Kindness Meditation for Today

At a bit of a loss for what to do with myself between packing up our apartment (moving this week), playing with Gadi (currently sleeping) and listening out for the next rocket warning siren (last one in Tel Aviv was about 18 hours ago), I decided to sit down and shut up. I usually end each meditation session with a few minutes of lovingkindness (metta) meditation. Here’s what I did today:


May I be happy;

May I be peaceful and harmonious;

May I be liberated from suffering;

May I be healthy and free.


May my family be happy;

May they be peaceful and harmonious;

May they be liberated from suffering;

May they be healthy and free.


May everyone in Tel Aviv be happy;

May they be peaceful and harmonious;

May they be liberated from suffering;

May they be healthy and free.


May all Israelis and Palestinians be happy;

May they be peaceful and harmonious;

May they be liberated from suffering;

May they be healthy and free.


May all beings be happy;

May they be peaceful and harmonious;

May they be liberated from suffering;

May all beings be healthy and free.


And for bonus points (NB: points not redeemable for anything tangible):

If I have harmed anyone, intentionally or unintentionally, I ask forgiveness.
If anyone has caused me harm, intentionally or unintentionally, I offer peace.
If I have caused myself harm, intentionally or unintentionally, I forgive myself.


Practicing metta meditation is pretty simple. It’s not a magic spell or prayer; just about creating some good vibes (I’m buzzing a bit now). If you feel inclined: sit down comfortably, straighten upwards, and focus on your breathing for a bit to settle into the present and give your mind a moment to quiet. If you have a regular meditation practice you can also do that before or after – whatever feels right to you. Then repeat the lines above quietly to yourself, in your heart. Repeat or ponder if you feel like it. Bring your mind back if it wanders. Feel the lovingkindness grow in and around you. 


May all beings be happy, peaceful and free. 


  1. That’s perfect! This is exactly what I had in mind when I created my website to promote sending loving kindness to Palestinians and Israelis. I chose a time and a date, 12:00 midnight GMT on August 15, 2014 so that people around the world could synchronize this practice to have a more powerful effect. Please see my website: https://www.facebook.com/peaceprojection and “like” to pledge to participate.

    I will add a link to this wonderful page. Thanks!


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